Screen Time is Ruining Your Kid’s Eyes👀

Healthy Habits for Happier Kids: Screen Time Edition

Hey Parents,

Here’s the thing: screens are amazing for keeping kids entertained, but not so great for their eyes. If your child’s been saying, “Mom, everything looks blurry,” it might be time for a screen-time reset.

📉 What’s happening?
Prolonged screen time can cause digital eye strain—basically, headaches, trouble focusing, and tired eyes. Not ideal, right?

🎯 What’s the fix?
Easy: swap screen time for green time. 🌳 Get outside, enjoy some sunshine, and let those little eyes relax. Bonus: fresh air is good for everyone’s mental health (including yours).

📝 Weekly Parenting Tip:

“The 20-20-20 Rule for Screen Time”
Every 20 minutes of screen use, remind your child to look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This simple habit gives their eyes a quick reset and reduces digital eye strain.

📚 Screen Time Guidelines by Age

👶 Ages 0–2 years
🕒 Recommended Screen Time: Avoid screens entirely. (Yes, I know—easier said than done!)
Babies and toddlers benefit most from face-to-face interaction. If you need screen time, limit it to video calls with family or friends.

👦 Ages 3–5 years
🕒 Recommended Screen Time: 1 hour per day of high-quality programming.
Encourage co-viewing and talk to your child about what they’re watching to make it interactive.

🧒 Ages 6–12 years
🕒 Recommended Screen Time: 1–2 hours of recreational screen time.
Set boundaries, such as no screens during meals or 1 hour before bedtime.

👩‍🦱 Teens (13–18 years)
🕒 Recommended Screen Time: 2–3 hours of non-educational screen time.
Balance is key—encourage physical activity and screen-free hobbies to prevent overuse.

📅 Ready to take charge of your child’s health? Book a consultation today, and we’ll craft a personalized plan for healthier screen habits.

Warm regards,
Dr. Nisa Khalil
Your Partner in Raising Healthy, Happy Kids

📍 Pediatrician in KL & PJ |
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